Financial Advisers and Wealth Managers
We can help you service your clients with a white label trading solution
Full ‘End To End’ Solution For AFSL Holders
Advisers, Wealth Managers or Financial Planners seeking to trade on behalf of clients can use our fast, efficient gateway to the equity and options market.
Our trading tools make it easy for you to focus on what you do best – advising your clients and building wealth.
- Sydney based with local support staff
- Increase your client engagement and revenue by allowing us to streamline your processes
- Free adviser portal (FNZ Front Office) to view all client accounts, run reports or reprint Contract Notes or Portfolio Statements
- Data feeds to all main external platforms
- Client sponsored HINs, no pooling of client assets. All cash held in segregated Client Trust Account
- Live Linked CMAs, as well as Direct Debit, Bpay and EFT settlement methods.
- Institutional settlement using Omgeo CTM, Iress ETC or Spreadsheet
- Bulk / Suspense account Trading


Accessible Trading Desk
Our DTRs are experienced
and ready to help

Client Service Team
Our local team can assist with your
questions and queries

White Label
Client facing documentation
branded with your logo
Your success isour success.
Streamline your trading solution and expand your service offering,with the personalised support of our professional team.
Get in touch