Advisory Firms

Financial Advisers and Wealth Managers

We can help you service your clients with a white label trading solution
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  • Independent, Sydney based company with no off-shoring of data
  • Increase your client engagement and revenue by allowing us to streamline your processes
  • Free adviser portal (FNZ Front Office) to view all client accounts, run reports or reprint Contract Notes or Portfolio Statements
  • Data feeds to all main external platforms
  • Client sponsored HINs, no pooling of client assets. All cash held in segregated Client Trust Account
  • Live Linked CMAs, as well as Direct Debit, Bpay and EFT settlement methods.
  • Institutional settlement using Omgeo CTM, Iress ETC or Spreadsheet
  • Bulk / Suspense account Trading

Accessible Trading Desk

Our DTRs are experienced
and ready to help

Client Service Team

Our local team can assist with your
questions and queries

White Label

Client facing documentation
branded with your logo

Your success is
our success.

Streamline your trading solution and expand your service offering,
with the personalised support of our professional team.
Get in touch

Direct Clients

Buy Side, Traders and High Net Worth

We can help you trade
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Trading Solutions

If you are an institutional or wholesale ‘sophisticated’ client looking to trade shares and options, Morrison’s offers a highly tailored personal service coupled with a choice of trading platforms that allow you to;

  • Trade electronically using our Direct Market Access (DMA) service
  • Choose your exchange ‘destination’, including dark and lit markets
  • Choice of different trading platforms
  • Algorithmic trading solutions (VWAP, TWAP….)
  • Bookings and allocations through Omgeo and Iress ETC
  • Intraday leveraged exposure for Day Traders
  • Access to experienced Trading Desk to place phone orders, build multi-legged
    option trades and get access to market makers
  • Stock Lending solution to allow ‘short shorting’

Stock Lending

Go ‘short’ intra-day and
for extended periods

Order Management

Place orders on different exchanges,
including contingent orders


Low latency and straight
through trading

Your home for trading
Australian markets

Work with our experienced trading team
to create the offering you need.
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Across the trade life cycle we can support your business

Find out how

Our Services

We have an extensive service offering that
will ensure you support your clients

Fast and efficient trade execution across all Australian Exchanges (ASX, Cboe Australia, NSX, SSX)

Through our Smart Order Router you can access multiple trading destinations, including both dark and lit venues

Find out more

Clearing and settlement of trades

We support different cash (CMA, BPAY, Direct Debit, EFT) and stock (HIN, DVP, SRN, Margin Lending) settlement methods

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Stock Lending allows you to ‘short’ the market

We have access to a large inventory of stocks that can be borrowed intra-day and longer term at competitive rates

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Capital Raisings and IPOs

We provide a full DVP settlement service. From liaising with the exchange to managing the settlement, we can work with all brokers for a successful outcome

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International trading

We have partnered with a global broker to allow you access to equity markets across the world

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Assets under Administration


Monthly equity volume


Australian options broker


Active trading clients


Fintech clients and Developers (APIs)

We can help you trade
Get in touchView our API options here

Market Connectivity

If you are a Fintech company or platform developer that is looking to connect for trade execution we offer a range of connectivity solutions. High-Availability, Low-Latency APIs that give you access to streaming market data.

  • Choice of APIs / Web Services or FIX connection
  • Integration testing and support
  • Additional data files and feeds provided

View our API options here

Our Members’ success,
is our success.

Streamline your business operations or expand your service offerings,
with the personalised support of our professional team.
Get in touch



Bespoke ‘white-label’ solutions for businesses and individuals.
Our clients are Financial Advisers, Wealth Managers, Active Traders, Fund Managers and Fintech platforms.
Morrison is an ASX, Cboe Australia, NSX and SSX Market Participant


We are 100% platform agnostic

We offer a range of different software to meet your needs – order placement, watchlists, viewing client portfolios as well as cutting edge charting packages.

Morrison supports;

  • Iress – Viewpoint, Web, Pro
  • TradeCentre – Bourse Analyser, TC Web, TC Wealth
  • TradeFloor – Options Trading and Risk Management
  • Refintiv – Eikon platform
  • Bloomberg Terminal – EMSX
  • Bring your own – FIX, Webservices and APIs available


Our advanced technology stack allows us to deliver a fully integrated solution


We utilise FNZ market leading technology (Shares and DCA) for clearing and settlement

Front Office

Free adviser portal
to view client accounts
and run reports

Iress / IOS

We provide the full suite of Iress products for market connectivity and low latency trading

What you can trade

We connect to all the main exchanges in Australia delivering seamless execution for our clients

  • Member of ASX, Cboe Australia, NSX and SSE Exchanges
  • Cash Equities
  • Equity Options - Single stock and Index - Level 1 and Level 2
  • Warrants
  • ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)
  • Exchange Traded Bonds (XTB)
  • LICS (Listed Investment Companies) / LITs (Listed Investment Trusts)
  • Tracers (Cboe Australia US stocks - Transferable Custody Receipts)

Latest News

To find out more about Morrison visit our LinkedIn page

Contact Us

To speak with one of our consultants, please fill in your details below and we will be in touch shortly.

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